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Peace News ● ዜና ሰላም ● Oduu Nageenyaa


Qorannoon Dhimma Nageenyaarratti Fullaffetu Dhihaate!

Gamtaan dhaaboolee tola oltootaatiin kan qindaayee qorannoon dhimma nagaahaa irratti xiyyeeffatu Sadaasa 30 bara 2023 ALA..Magaalaa Finfinnee hoteela skylihgt ti gaggeeffame!

Marii kana irratti bakka bu'oonni mootummaarraa,hogannoonni dhaaboolee tola oltootaa fi hayyoonni adda addaa kan argaman yoo ta'u;,barruulee qorannoo nagaarratti xiyyeeffatan 6 ol hayyootaan dhihaatanii hirmaatootaan mariin baldhaan irratti taasifameera.

Marii dhimma nagahaarratti CSO qophaawe kanarratti itti gaafatamaan GPF-Ethiopias argamuun yaada isaanii gumaachaniiru.

Nagaan Hunda Caala!

Nagaan Hunda Caala!

Baka nagaan hin jirre,guddinni,misoomni hin jiru!

Nagaan hin jiru taanaan dhalchanii guddisuun,fuudhaa heerumni,kan du"elleen awwaaluun nama rakkisa!

Obbolummaa, jaallumaa fi tokkummaa keenya cimsuudhaan nageenya keenyaa fi naannoo keenyaa haa jabeeffanni!


Global Peace Federation- Ethiopia

Non Government and Profit Organization.

The government is attempting to strengthen, peace, friendship and alliance among its people and is making significant efforts to this end. But, peace, friendship and alliance is not created at the required level. People are noticed to have lost their values and traditions and conflicts to related to religion, language, ethnicity and politics are rampant. Displacement, suffering and assassinations along with property destructions are noticed following this conflicts. Thus, global – peace federation- Ethiopia is working alongside stockholder bodies to promote, peace, friendship alliance in Ethiopia and make its own contribution after obtaining a legal business license registered before the civil societies agency according to the Ethiopian law.

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ስለ ግሎባለ ፒስ ፌደሽን-ኢትዮጵያ

ግሎባል ፒስ ፌደሬሽን-ኢትዮጲያ መንግስታዊ ያልሆነ፣ለትርፍ ያለተቛቛመ ድርጅት ነዉ(Non-Governmental and Non-Profit Organization)

መንግስት በሀገራችን ኢትዮጵያ በሕዝቦች መካከል ሰላም፣ ወንድማማችነትና ወዳጅነት እንዲጠናከር ከፍተኛ ጥረት እያደረገ ይገኛል፡፡ ይሁንና በሚፈለገውና በሚታሰበው ልክ ሁሉም ቦታ ሰላም፣ወንድማማችነትና ወዳጅነት ሰፍኖ አይገኝም፡፡ በአንድ አንድ ቦታ ላይ እሴቶቻችን ተሸርሸረዉ አልፎ አልፎ እዚህም እዚያም ሰዎች በእምነት፣በቋንቋ፣ በብሔር፣በፖለቲካ አመለካከትና አስተሳሰባቸው ሲጋጩ፤ግጭቱንም ተከትሎ መፈናቀል ግድያ እና እንግልት እንዲሁም የንብረት ውድመቶች ሲከሰት ታይተዋል፡፡ በመሆኑም ግሎባል ፒስ ፌዴሬሽን- ኢትዮጵያ/Global Peace Federation-Ethiopia)እነዚህ ግጭቶችና አለመግባባቶች በሚፈቱበትና ሰላም፣ ወንድማማችነትና ወዳጀነት በሀገራችን በሚሰፍንበት መፍትሄ ዙርያ ከባለ ድርሻ ካላት ጋር ለመስራት (አስተዋጽኦ ለማድረግ) በኢትዮጵያ ህግ በሲቪል ማህበራት ኤጄንሲ ተመዝግቦ ህጋዊ የስራ ፍቃድ ተሰጥቶት እየሰራ ይገኛል፡፡

Message From GPF-Ethiopia Director General

Peace is the path we take for bringing growth and prosperity to society. If we do not have peace and harmony, achieving political strength, economic stability and cultural growth will be impossible. Moreover, before we transmit the notion of peace to others, it is vital for us to possess peace within. It is not a certain individuals responsibility to maintain peace but everyones duty. Thus, an essay on peace will throw some light on the same topic. There are many ways in which we can maintain peace at different levels. To begin with humankind, it is essential to maintain equality, security and justice to maintain the political order of any nation


International Peace Day

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire

ባህል ለወዳጅነትና ውንድማማችነት መጎልበት ቁልፍ ሚና አለው!

የሰላም ሚኒስቴር ሚኒስትር ዴዔታ፡- ኢትዮጵያዊ ውብ ማንነቶቻችን በመንከባከብ፣ የቋንቋ፣ የባህል፣ የሃይማኖት እና ሌሎች ማንነቶችን አክብረው የሰላም አምባሳደሮች እንዲሆኑ መልዕክት አስተላልፈዋል፡፡ በስልጠናው ያገኙትን የህይወት ክህሎት መርሆዎችን ተጠቅመው በሚሰማሩባቸው ክልሎች ድጋፍ የሚፈልጉትን በቅንነት በማገልገል ለሀገርና ለወገን ኩራት እንዲሆኑ አሳስበዋል፡፡


Our Mission / ዋና ዋና ዓላማዎች

Sharing Exprience. Creating podiums which enable sharing the experiences of other countries in relation to peace, friendship and alliance, and enabling such information to be accessible to our people through media.

ዋና ዋና ዓላማዎቹም፡-

1.ሰላም፣ወዳጅነትና ወንድማማችነት በሕዝቦች መካከል እንዲጠናከር መንግስት ከሚያደርገው ጥረት ጐን ለጐን ከእምነትና የትምህርት ተቋማት፣የሙያ ማህበራት፣ የወጣቶች የሴቶች፣የአካል ጉዳተኞች፣ የፖለቲካና የሲቪል ማህበራት እንዲሁም ከግለሰቦችና ቡድኖች ጋር በመተባበር ሰላም፣ወንድማማችነት እና ወዳጅነት በግለሰቦች፣በቤተሰብ፣ በእምነቶች፣በማህበረሰብና በህዝቦች መካከል እንዲጎለብት ውይይቶችን በማዘጋጀት ችግሮች እንዳይፈጠሩ ከተፈጠሩመ በአስቸኳይ እንዲፈቱ መስራት፡፡
2.ሰው በማንነቱ፣በብሔ፣በቋንቋውና በቆዳ ቀለሙ ልዩነት፣በእምነቱና በፖለቲካ አመለካከቱ እንዳይጠላ፣እንዳይጎዳ፣እንዳይገለልና የግጭት መነሻም እንዳይሆን የሚያስተምሩ፣ እያዝናኑ ግንዛቤ የሚያስጨበጡ፤የሙዚቃ ኮንሰርቶችን፣የተለያዩ የህብረተሰብ ክፍሎችን የሚያሳትፉ የስፖርትና የባህል ፌስቲቫሎችን፣ወርክሾፖችን ፣እያዝናኑ የሚያስተምሩ የጥያቄና መልስ ወድድሮችን፣ኮንፍረንስ፣የኪነጥበብና የስነጥበብ ዝግጅቶችን ማካሄድ፡፡

Objectives /ተግባራት

Enhancing native cultural and religious dispute dissolution methods and working to avoid conflicts and vendettas related to religion, ethnicity and politics differences among individuals, community and surroundings.

->ስለ ሰላም፣ወንድማማችነትና ወዳጅነት የሌሎች ሀገራት ተሞክሮ የሚቀሰምበት መድረኮችን በመፍጠር፣ለህዝባችን በሚጠቅም መልኩ በሚዲያ፣በህትመትና በተለያዩ የመገናኛ ዘዴዎች ተደራሽ ማድረግ፡፡
->ሀገር በቀል ባህላዊና ሀይማኖታዊ የግጭ አፈታት ዘዴዎችን በማጎልበት በእነት፣ በብሔርና በፖለቲካ ልዩነት በግለሰቦች፣ በህብረተሰብና በአካባቢዎች መካከል ግጭትና ቂም በቀል እንዳይኖር መስራት፡፡
ስለ ሰላም፣ እኩልነት፣ ወንድማማችነትና ወዳጅነት ተምሳሌታዊ ስራ የሰሩትን የእምነት አባቶች፣ የኪነ ጠበብ እና ሥነ ጥበብ ባለሙያዎችን፣ግለሰቦች፣ ቡድኖችና ድርጅቶችን መድረኮች ላይ በመጋበዝ እውቅናና ሽልማት መስጠት፣የድርጅቱ የሰላምና የክብር አምባሳደር አድርጎ መሾምና ሌሎችም የነሱን አርዓያ ተከትለው ስለ ሰላም፣ ወንድማማችነት እና ወዳጅነት መጎልበት የድርሻቸውን እንዲወጡ ማነቃቃት፣ማሳተፍና ሌሎች ስለ ሰላም መጎልበት ስተዋጽዖ ላቸዉን ተገባራቶች መከወን፡፡

Our Vision / ራዕይ

Realizing a peaceful world in which alliance and friendship is strengthened with in Ethiopia, Africa and the whole world. Creating a conducive world in which people are only valued based on their activities instead of their religion, culture, language, faith and political orientation
በኢትዮጵያ፣በአፈሪካ ብሎም በአለም ወዳጅነትና ወንድማማችነት ተጠናክሮ ሰላም የሰፈነባት አለም ማየት፣ ሰዉ በእምነቱ፣በባህሉ፣በቛንቛዉ፣በእመነቱና በፖለቲካ አመለካከቱ ሳይሆን በስራዉ ብቻ የሚመዘንበት ምቹ አለም መፍጠር፡፡

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Global peace Federation- Ethiopia?

    We are Non Government and Profit Organization The government that are attempting to strengthen, peace, friendship and alliance among its people and is making significant efforts to this end/p>

  • Thank you for your interest in our activities, use information provide at the footer of this website to contact us.

  • Enhancing native cultural and religious dispute dissolution methods and working to avoid conflicts and vendettas related to religion, ethnicity and politics differences among individuals, community and surroundings.

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